In the short time given to us this lifetime, we meet all sorts of people. People that surprises you - in a good and bad way.
When we were all children, we could be friends with just about anyone. It was a matter to be proud of – to make acquaintances, to have friends you can brag about to your parents – a sign of social acceptance, maturity and acceptability.
In your world of bliss and endless playtime with your friends, you are rudely awakened from that wonderful feeling to find a nasty friend. She teases you; makes you feel sad, embarrassed or even gang up with others to not be your friend anymore! Wait a minute, you tell yourself. Friends are not supposed to do such things! Oh Boy they do! And they can be really good at it.
Slowly, your curtain starts to draw; you start to build walls around you. As the years go by, you meet more and more people that surprises you, disappointing how you’ve always romanticized the idea of a friend.
Not long, you only have a handful. People whom has stood the tests of time. People who has been with you through thick and thin. People you can trust whole-heartedly. They can then qualify to be your best friend, buddy, etc
You learn your first lesson in life from friends/people. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Avoid or confront the mean ones, stay close and cherish the good ones.
You then move on to the next phase of your life - you start to work. The quality of people gets almost immediately weirder! It’s like a zoo out there! These people amaze me daily.
From your past experiences, it tells you to stay away from the ‘evil’ ones. Somehow, they find their way to you. No matter how much you try to dodge them, they are everywhere. Constantly spreading their ‘evilness’, their bitterness to the world by commanding respect (not much given most of the time!), power (they best stay near the power generator if they’re so in love with it!) and supremacy. What is it with these people that they are so unhappy with their lives? Did they really have such a bad childhood? Maybe they got tortured really badly as kids? (I like to think that anyway!)
My husband to-be always tells me to stand up and fight against these people. I do make my stand but it disgust me to see the way they take on other people to make themselves feel good. They belittle others and make them feel insignificant to feel important in return.
How do you fight evil? Its not that we can settle this at the backyard and fight it in the mud! It’s not that I can complain to my mum or teacher to get the kid punished. We are dealing with adults here – who coincidently act like kids. Tough one, eh?
I don’t have the answer. I’ve developed too much Zen to fight them anymore. Still I don’t give up….
While scrutinizing ways I could administer courage to stand up to them, something interesting happened today. The ‘weak ones’ whom the ‘evil’ ones was torturing today taught me an interesting lesson.
They were being belittled in front of the whole world. They did put up a constructive argument, but of course evil will be evil. What can we do with such screwed up minds? Interestingly, they walked away gracefully and smiled at their silliness with beauty and charm. That moment seemed like a National Geographic moment, beautiful! It was classic – they smiled, said their thank you and left.
The amazing part of it all is – after that bad encounter, they didn’t even seem moved by it at all, and in fact they forgot about it the moment they left the room.
How shallow I have been to try to administer ways to counter them. I even secretly cursed and hoped that they will fall one day! But today, I learnt that the only way I will learn to have courage to stand up to them is to ignore them. Use my own power to suppress these evil people, make known to myself that they don’t actually exist and their existence is not worthy of my attention.
It’s not about being affected by them, as each time we are – they have won. We can win in our own ways if we just learn that we are all born different. The earlier we come to terms with ourselves, the happier we will become. And one way to start to be happy is to see through the evil in them…
It’s easier said than done. But I figured it takes more effort and energy from these evil people to do what they do to others daily than us to ignore them.