Truly, I am fascinated by Ms. Rowling's vast, deep and wonderful imagination. The characters
she created with Harry Porter is truly remarkable & gripping!
I guess in life you will meet and encounter the likes of Harry Porter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
Harry being the accidental hero, the boy who endured pain beyond imagination but still has the purity and goodness in him to do nothing but righteousness.
Ron as most of us can also relate to, is most of the time meek and scared to face difficulties, yet to discover his true heroism but stumbles
along the way with bravery to seek his true self.
Hermoine not only uses her intellect but also her heart to think, living
with the mantra of "impossible is nothing".
Through the series of her books, Rowling weaves her characters amicably into the storyline. You see them grow up, you see them fight
internal struggles, you see them fight against all odds and importantly you see
them triumph! Like most predictable heroic-storyline, the good always prevail over evil. While the concept is not new, I believe it is equally important to reinforce
in this day and age.
Everyday we hear more bad news than
good. Evil minds and hearts are more rampant than ever. Good, righteousness
seem to fade behind evil. The bigger and stronger powers are bullying the
smaller, meeker - leaving them defendless and easily over-powered.
It seems less and less people are interest to
stand up and fight for what is right.
Most of us are more confortable to hide behind our walls of safety -
playing the spectatorrather than taking the active role of changing one's fate.
Through it all, there are those brave enough to stand up to change fates.
Some through littles gestures, some through years of preseverance, some through
outright battles:

1. Rosa Parks became the first African American to refuse to give up her seat to a white passenger in a bus. Her small action sparked national controversy but importantly demonstrated how a single refusal of giving in can change the course of history.

2. Mahatma Ghandi was the major political and spiritual leader of India that led the country to its Independence against British Rule. He resisted tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total non-violence — which was one of the strongest driving philosophies of the Indian independence movement and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. 1 man with a simple act of non violence changed India's fate forever.

3. Malcolm X, a man that has been called many things: Pan-Africanist, father of Black Power, religious fanatic, closet conservative, incipient socialist, and a menace to society. Less of a hero
behind shadows of the great Martin Luther King, Malcolm X - self educated himself in prison,
chose to change his fate from a street hustler to an awakened political and spiritual activist.
Though his speeches and actions were considered controversial to many, he chose a far more
outward approach in speaking his mind and fighting his course.

4. And finally, the greatly revered His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama - Tenzin Gyatzo. A spiritual leader forced into exile by the new superpower of the world China who claimed
Tibet to be a territory of China.
His Holiness together with his closest aids fleed to India and resided there ever since.
Living to true Buddhist teachings, His Holiness not for once approved of fighthings
and bloodshed against the Chinese. Instead, he has only preached love,
happiness and harmony. He taught his fellow Tibetans to persevere and show utomost compassion to the Chinese in Tibet regardless what they
have done to them. (I mean, this guy is seriously amazing!!!)
There can never be triumph for the bad guys. Only good can prevail. And though it may take years, it is worth to believe in good and stick by it.
But till then, it is worth every single drop of blood to fight (passively, actively, indirectly) for what is right. Triumph then will be wholesome, complete and true.
Thank you Ms Rowlings for teaching these simple theories which are slowly being forgetten these days...