Peter wrote an impactful article that stuck the chords of my conscious recently. It hasnt been published and I feel he lacks the confidence to try further since 1 of the publication he sent to didnt respond to him. Provoking, maybe controversial yet TRUE, its definitely worth examining
I named my blog:
"All souls' rising" as I believe we oversee what's the purest form given to us by God- our soul. How can we nurture and perfect it? As a start, read this!
Gung Ho -in the streets of Saigon 
Walking the wonderful streets of Saigon, she offers you all in abundance, from the many big smiles that greet you with warmth of life and joy to the thick haze of exhausting pipes.
A stroll down Dong Khoi or Le Loi shows a new ‘Gung Ho’ spirit rising, with a lot of bright hopes for a better future – a good encouragement for all to move forward.
Wherever you look; new cafes, restaurant & trendy shops display this great optimism and make it another joyful day.
In the flow of new Foreign Direct Investment manoeuvring its way into Saigon in these times, opportunities are born, feeding the hungry Gung Ho spirit. It is said: ‘When the cup is full, it spills over on us all’ by this and with help of good governance, it should fund the construction of a larger coherent society. Though the coins that create this new hope somehow has a flip side, or like every ray of sunshine cast a shadow on the street.
On one corner an elderly woman tries to rest in the shadow of the tall office buildings, tired of a long day in the haze, asking for a handout penny. The shadow gives her some shelter from the burning sun, but the spirit of the streets raze on.
The flip side is not all the investment made into the enterprises or influence of other business cultures or all the coffee consumed in the new cafes, no!
The flip side of the Gung Ho overdrive in the streets of Saigon, is the lack of awareness that accompanies the awaken spirit.
The sense of awareness in the fast phase is easy to ignore and can even turn into a degree of the inexplicable counterpart: Ignorance. One can argue that this is not up to us to actually stop up and smell the haze, but an administration matter for authorities and leave it here. This is also a solid argument, though this arguments shadow, has a stint of the ignorant flip side and leave us in the mercy of others goodwill.
When the old lady raise her head and in a sudden eye catch she view a new prospect coming out of the café on the opposite side of the road. She jumps up and with arms waving signalising her crossing the road. Slowly making the way to the other side, with one eye on the prospect and the other on the traffic, then suddenly – bum! – a fast moving bike hits her old leg. She tumbles to her knees, a short gasp and pain, then back on the feet and humping to safe ground on the other side.
The bike is long gone, collapsing on the pavement she glimpse the prospect she came for evaporating in the crowd further ahead.
Flat on her back in the hot sun, she breathes heavily and hold up the legs tight as the adrenalin wares off and the pain sets in.
The crowd still passing by to pursue the task that brought them here in the first place, though none seems to pay any further notice.

The scene is a good vision in the ignorance of our surroundings; as all is aware of the situation though cast the priority to the task at hand for the moment and in the comfort of the argument of where to place responsibility. When the helping –handout fails, then we as compassionate members of a society has failed.
My friend says; “I can’t save the world!” – Well, it might also to great a task but we surely do contribute when working with our own awareness, I tell my friend.
But how does the world look from the pavement, squeezing down in pain? I don’t know as I have never tried, but my imagination tells me that the world looks hard and uncompassionate.
Wherever we come from and whatever background we have, the world has a different perspective. This makes the world a funny and colourful place, full of tastes and indeed rich in opinions. Awareness of your surroundings has no colour or opinion, all can relate to human spirit and taste the taste every day life, Gung Ho or not.
When the awareness of our surroundings is developed, the action that is needed follows quite automatically; actually it is a funny law of nature that combines the inevitable thought to action. In the scene pictured, awareness would stop and hand out a supporting arm to help the old lady back on her feet where ignorance moves on. The trained would even throw in some kind attention to the situation.
How do you think the world looks from the sight of the old lady now, better?
Being Gung Ho is an exuberating life enhancer, however it requires you stand up and smell the haze in the streets of Saigon. From time to time, life throws you in similar situations to evoke your awareness or as I read once – Life kicks you so hard in the behind that you have to stop and smell the roses. – All for a purpose
Sadly, Ignorance comes to you too easy but our awareness on the other hand is an inherent skill but it doesn’t come easily, you have to train it to develop and be useful. As getting a good offer from the gym, right here you’ll get the first lesson free as a teaser, later when you come back then you have to subscribe and pay up.
First exercise in the gym: Now mental picture you as the Old Lady.
Subscription fee is paid in some monthly kind attention towards your surroundings, that’s all!
Should we all attend class from time to time; I guess the Gung Ho spirit would make a difference, welcome back.