This morning was my first professional yoga session attendance. My mum has been nugging me to attend this class for a long time.
Ive been practising yoga for the past 2 years. Im not great, but not bad either.
The class i went was interesting. ..
First of all, the yoga 'guru' was not what i expected. she has a great body but her tummy is amazingly big! that was a turn off! how can a yoga guru have such big tummy???? wooaa...
Then her assistant gurus were fat ! i mean literally fat! ok, i dont want to be such a push over = these women has skills, they are multi flexi despite their layers of fat, they are pretty damn flexible..
The age group was nothing below 50 years - i was the youngest. We also had men there, old CHINAMAN. The loud, type. Quite amazing to see them really interested and really giving their 100%. Get the picture? Weird.
then you have my mum - who has this amazing ability to burp constantly. she blames it on 'wind' so all the stretching helps her to release it. its just a little too damn distrac

They were also super loud. they talked non-stop which defeats the purpose (i believe anyway!) to meditate your body. they were talking about the fresh prawns they had at Klang last night, some where talking about the lottery number they bought - so close to striking, it just went on and on and on!
Then you have me. All the moves were nothing really new to me, but just got pointers how to do them better. They assistant gurus were quite amazed with my "flexibility" but it never once dawned on them that maybe ive done this before??
nevermind, it was just a really interesting encounter. the mix of people all hopping onto the bandwagon of practising yoga. its the new fad, maybe even a lasting one?
i have friends who'd practiced yoga for 1 year has now opted to quit their jobs to open up a yoga center...hmmm..how can you learn a few thousand years' secret of balancing mind, body and soul in 1 year? let not go teach?
Not too sure about history, but yoga must have been well guarded for some reasons. Doubt anyone here knows the real secret and reasons behind practising yoga..
Hell, quite honestly - i do it to keep fit and look good. nothing of that sort to balance out, blah blah blah. surely i cant do that at the yoga center with all those interesting characters?
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