I've decided to stick to being 25 years for the next 10 years to come. but then again, who are we kidding?
when i was young, i had a difficult childhood. My mum had to work very hard to keep us all going - everyday. Id always wanted to grow up quickly so i can finally earn my own money and help out.
now, the day is here. I am all grown up and I am helping out. But have i wasted my childhood trying to grow up too fast? I think not! As hard as it was, Id always made it a point to have fun, to experience childhood, adolescence and now adulthood.
When you're much younger, your friends are the center of your world, most of the time your family comes in second. As you grow older, the reverse comes into place. I have a bunch of lovely friends - girlfriends that i have grown up with. Back in those days, we didnt have much worries, boyfriend problems, money issues - it was just plain days coloured with little events that we hold dear to our hearts until this day.
Yee Yin is one of them. Demure, beautiful with a heart of gold. Beauty with brains. She is now an auditor @ KPMG, still hot, still beautiful outside in, inside out. Then you have Yen Ling. Ever determined and outspoken as ever, I remembered she told me that she would be a doctor when we were 9 years old. Now she is one, working in Greenwich, New York. Then the later stages of my teens, I met Pui Wei. She was the entertainer, the disturbed and idealist. The one who wanted to kill herself the next day Kurt Cobain commited suicide. Now, she is an up-coming lawyer in one of the prominent law firms in Malaysia. Finally, you have Zack. She was the more demure one, meek to some point. She has a musical flair and a voice that can put Mariah Carey to shame. She's not meek anymore - now fiesty and outspoken. Still beautiful and definitely more confident. She is working with Petronas..
As for me, I would like to believe I am still the same, but we all know we change as we age. We met up again recently for Yen's brother's wedding. The fun was more subdued, yet the fun was still fun.
We've all grown up now...but some things about friendships never can and will change..
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